Engineer Report Rubric Checklist


Engineering Design Report & Notebook Rubric


5 = superior            3-4 = average            2 = below average            1 = Fair                        0 = no evidence                                                           


Title Page (15pts)

_____ Title, Names, Homeroom number & Due date present

_____ Aligned in the center

_____ Creativity


Table of Contents (5pts)

_____ Page numbers of the report match the table of contents’ numbers


Abstract (15pts)

_____ Introduction

_____ Brief description of the experiment & results

_____ Conclusion


Introduction (25pts)

_____ Hook

_____ Purpose, Explanation of your ideas and how you got them, reason

_____ Problem question & Design Problem

_____ What and how you hope to achieve when you started your project

_____ Application to the world


Research Summary (10 pts)

_____ Was sufficient background research accomplished

_____ Research was written in your own words and or cited


Define the Problem (25pts)

_____ Problem Question

_____ Design Problem

_____ Criteria

_____ Constraints

_____ Pugh Chart


Design A Solution (Explained how you designed a solution & describe how to make a prototype)(25pts)

_____ Discuss Alternatives (you can also have sketches too, bonus points)

_____ Describe the solution you chose & how it fits in the design constraints

_____ Material list with quantities

_____ Procedures (Set-up, Testing and safety procedures are complete and listed step–by-step)

_____ Initial Schematic


Testing the Prototypes (45pts)

_____ Evaluation of criteria (choose which evaluation criteria you will use to measure whether the prototype is successful

_____ Dependent variable chart with operational definitions for qualitative & quantitative observations & controlled conditions

_____ Testing procedures for the prototype

_____ Safety procedures for testing

_____ Data Table for Prototype 1

_____ Describe which criteria you will modify

_____ Redesign prototype explain changes in procedures

_____ 2nd Schematic / Drawing

_____ Data Table for Prototype 2





Results (50pts)

_____ Was the testing of prototypes repeated several times to establish validity & / or was the sample size sufficient?

_____ List of the data you measured (Data tables)

_____ Graphs showing sets of trials & comparing averages

_____ Used every means possible to explain the data collected (mean, median, mode, range, & difference) in a chart

_____ Diagrams & pictures of the experiment with titles, labels, and captions

_____ How well do the charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, and pictures present the data

_____ Charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, and pictures are labeled correctly and have titles

_____ Math is correct

_____ Easy to read and understandable

_____ Neat and organized


Discussion (10 points each) (50pts)

_____ Shared how well or not so well the design process went (limitations)

_____ Explained what the data means, quantitative & or qualitative observations, & share highlights

_____ Used every means possible to explain the data collected (difference & average)

_____ Able to infer how the data related to the design problem

_____ Shared if problem was solved or not

_____ Was the prototype improved the 2nd time or not, explain?


Conclusion: (30pts)

_____ Were the conclusions justified and properly drawn from the design process?

_____ Conclusions are accurately based on the data

_____ Why was the design process solved or not and explained why using data?

_____ What would you do differently next time to improve the prototype?

_____ What did you learn from the project?

_____ New questions or ideas to solve the problem


Acknowledgments & Rough Drafts (10pts)

_____ Present acknowledgments

_____ Rough drafts (unless it is in the notebook)


Bibliography & Footnotes (15pts)

_____ At least 3 hardbound books

_____ At least 6 bibliographies present

_____ Used the proper bibliography format


Ideas & Content (35pts)

_____ Contain an engaging intro that identifies the topic                       

_____ Develop a writing assignment appropriate to the assignment (used scientific language)           

_____ Fulfills the writer’s general purpose and specific goals                       

_____ Includes an effective conclusion           

_____ Demonstrates comprehension of the content materials

_____ Demonstration of skills (use of scientific method or engineering process)           

_____ Does the project reflect the student’s own work?                                                           


Structure & Form (15pts)

_____ Includes a well-developed introduction and conclusion           

_____ Demonstrates proper and effective paragraphing                       

_____ Uses a variety of sentence structure                                               


Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (15pts) 

_____ Contains no more than 9-10 minor errors in grammar and usage                                               

_____ Contains no more than 9-10 minor errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation           

_____ Typed, quality work           


Creativity (20pts)

_____ Originality in approach

_____ Originality in design of project or use of equipment


Notebook (50pts)

_____ Notebook’s data is consistent with the contents of the report (data table & graph)

_____ Daily record / journal with dates

_____ Worksheets are attached to the correct sections of the notebook

_____ Pages are numbered and dated           

_____ Organize & neat


_____ Student (s) went above and beyond what the project asked for (up to 20 points)

_____ Report cover present (5pts)

_____ Report & notebook turned in on time (10pts)


_____ Report & notebook turned in early (5 pts for each day)


Total: _______________ / 460 pts                        Percent: _________/100   Grade: __________